A ripple in mind

I am the lighthouse of my entity, guiding my soul in a realm filled with uncertainty. I am no longer on the motherland, adrift from civilisation and cast to the domain of isolation in my mind. I begin to wonder, will the lighthouse bring me back to sanity?

I am the lighthouse guiding my soul away from the coastline of destruction. I am no longer sure where it will end but my boat remains afloat. The waves danced with my boat, leading in strides that kept me far from my lighthouse. My aching body cried as the thoughts my lighthouse kept away, began to cave in, disguised as sirens beneath the waters.

The sirens sang so softly they tamed my ear, tranced my mind and tricked my body into kidnap. A sleek female emerged from the water, wrapping wet hands around my weak body. She pressed me against her bosom and whispered words of woe. Slowly, her whispers became heavy, adding an anchor to my entity as she poured me into the sea and I drowned.

A pond blossomed inside me, a stream of water filling as I sunk deeply. The sirens circled and hummed to the tune of my torture. Telling truths and tales that defined me, my soul began to wither and break, I could no longer tolerate the pain. A shimmer of light above me scattered into a million pieces as it shot through from the surface. It was my lighthouse reaching out to me. The sirens slithered in spirals above me, echoing their weapons of burden to deafen the nearby sailors coming to my rescue but they did not know me.

Rock bottom was my destination but not my destiny and if this was the end, then I would be the end of me. I dreamed of a funeral dressed in all white and a plethora of flowers, instead, I am dressed in seaweed in a paucity of oxygen. I did this to myself, I travelled on a boat with no other fisherman. I was cast out and betrayed my lighthouse, it was my guide but I shut its light out. Now the lighthouse remains perched on the coast, telling the other parts of me to come back to shore. A piece of me died because I pushed it away, drifting in the depths of the sea it remained forgotten and now I am lost.

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